

Aesthetic cultivation and design thinking training. 

The Department of Fashion Styling and Design Communication offers advanced training in various areas of fashion styling and graphic communications. The programme provides a broad based curriculum intended to stimulate innovation and creativity in diverse areas of design, in which students are trained to develop their capacity to balance ideals and ideas with practical realities and those operational management skills which are essential for the real-life priorities of the fashion industry. 

In this way we expect our graduates to be equipped to compete within the highly competitive fashion industry. As we value the power of creative thinking; we expect our students to immerse themselves within a comprehensive training scheme which is intended to cultivate within them a sense of higher aesthetics which often gives birth to originality. The core curriculum is aimed primarily at those who wish to train to be a professional in fashion styling, graphic communication or an operation manager in fashion industries. The department sees fashion as a form of expression of the emotions which drive our lives. The impulse to re-create constantly, to open up new horizons featuring new fashions and trends in swift succession not only keeps the public interested in the emerging concepts but also defines our visual culture, and represents a distinctive niche through which to explore both aesthetic ideas and the marketing potential within fashion- related industries.


