
SMART CRAFT STUDIO in Hida, Japan 2017 日本國際工作營

Smart Craft Studio 2017, Hida Japan

[ SMART CRAFT STUDIO in Hida, Japan 2017 - Animating Craft ]- 日本國際工作營

​日本高山市飛驒村(「驒」,音「駝」,日文念 hida),擁有深厚的歷史丶超凡的木工造詣。走入飛驒村的保存完善的老街中,我們可以深刻的體驗每個歷史的小細節。高山飛驒以傳統木工著稱,堪稱「匠師的故鄉」,她們將傳統工藝注入了生活中,細緻的文化很值得親身來細細體驗一番。

​關於 Smart Craft Studio

Smart Craft Studio is a 3-week intensive design prototyping program happening annually at Fabcafe Hida. The goal of this program is to integrate traditional Japanese woodworking techniques with smart and human-centered technology.

This year, the studio will explore radical ways to create meaningful interactions between human and human-made objects through woodworking, sensory processing, and cognitive artificial intelligence (A.I.) in the context of art and design.

The studio aims to assemble teams from different design disciplines including fashion, product design, interactive media, and architecture.

The program will be conducted primarily in English with translation from Japanese.

   [ SMART CRAFT STUDIO in Hida, Japan 2017 ]


